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Category: Bugs and Issues

Receiving a refund and an ‘Unknown merchant’ charge, for a net zero refund

I’m writing this post with the hope that it can assist others who encounter a situation similar to mine. Recently, I was expecting a refund for a ticket I purchased back in August 2023. On October 23, 2023, I received […]

PHP and PHPUnit: Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV)

If you’re getting the following error while running PHPUnit tests, check if the following is true: The unit test returning the segfault uses a test double function: createMock(), createStub(), etc. The mocked object has a __destruct() function. In the __destruct() […]

Slack doesn’t open on Ubuntu / Pop!_OS 22.10

If you have recently upgraded your system to run on the latest Ubuntu / Pop!_OS version (22.10) and you are not able to run Slack, see if you get the following error if you run “slack” from the terminal: FATAL:gpu_data_manager_impl_private.cc(415)] […]

PHPStan: “Class not found” error when autoloaded class extends discovered parent class

If you’re getting a “Class * not found” error with PHPStan, check to see whether you’re having a class auto-loaded by composer extend a parent class that is discovered via scanDirectories. For example, <?php namespace MyApp\Form\Field; class CountryField extend \BaseField […]

Keyboard chattering / double key presses fix on Ubuntu / Pop_OS!

Unfortunately keyboards eventually start to fail. One of the common signs that your keyboard is failing is noticing that sometimes, as you type, some keys are registered two or more times, even though you hit a key only once. This […]

Pop!_OS 21.10 : Disable the Workspace Animation & Pop-up

Pop!_OS 21.10 landed last week, and if you decide to upgrade, you’ll lose all your installed Gnome extensions. Some of the previous extensions may not be compatible with the new Gnome v4x versions. This was the case with the “Disable […]

Using React Router NavLink with a MUI ListItemButton + TypeScript

So, recently I needed to render a React Router NavLink component as a ListItemButton. Although the documentation on the MUI website provides a few examples on how to achieve a similar result with the Link component (from react-router-dom), I still […]

Fix: VSCode + ElixirLS Intellisense for code imported with `use`

I am using VSCode with the ElixirLS extension for Elixir development. My operating system is Ubuntu, but I think this guide should work for other systems if you know where to find your VSCode extensions folder. The problem: IntelliSense, aka […]

Prevent CSS Transform From Making Element Blurry

Here’s the issue I was facing: I was trying to position a sticky header based on the Window scrollY value divided by 2, using the transform: translateY(value)CSS property. As a result, the element would sometimes become blurry. I remembered some […]

Fix: Mouse pointer shakes while mouse standing still in Ubuntu 20.04

Here’s a peculiar issues I’ve encountered the second time this week. Out of the blue, the mouse pointer will start shaking/wiggling/moving up and down heretically, while the mouse itself is standing still. Turning the mouse off, disconnecting the receiver dongle […]